Sunday School Elementary school children have the option of attending church from 10:15-11:15 or they can attend Sunday School where they learn about God through Bible stories, skits, games, and crafts. Nursery care for infants is also available on Sundays from 10:00-11:30 AM.
Confirmation Class
Confirmation Classes are offered every few years for youth who wish to explore their readiness to become a member of the church. The classes encourage the youth to more deeply engage with their faith. We study the Bible, The Trinity, the Sacraments, the history of the Presbyterian Church, and other themes. Contact Pastor Karol for more information.
Youth GroupYouth group is open to youth sixth through twelfth grade. We typically meet one Sunday a month from September through May from 5-7PM. We share food, Bible study, games and other fun activities. For the past few years, we have been excited to join with other area youth for Faithline events at FUMC Bluffton. We also have occasional special events, including mission projects, retreats, and field trips. Some examples of our events include a visit to the Suter's Corn Maze, Adopting a Family for Christmas, the Souper Bowl of Caring, the 30 Hour Famine and a trip to Cedar Point or Scene 75. The youth group also leads worship a couple times each year. We enjoy incorporating drama, laughter and a lot of music into our services! The youth group also sends delegates to the Presbyterian Youth Triennium. This national gathering of youth occurs every three years. The next Triennium is scheduled for 2025.
Bluffton Presbyterian Church | Youth |
Mission: Growing in Faith, Sharing God's Love
112 N. Main St. P.O. Box 149 Bluffton, OH 45817
Worship: Sunday 10:15 am
Website Administrator: Nathan Hursh