![]() Posted by Paula Scott on September 12, 2021 - 7:00am The community is invited to a community picnic provided by Bluffton Presbyterian Church, 112 N Main St., on Sunday, September 19 from 4:30-6:30 p.m. The outdoor event will take place on the church lawn. A picnic meal of hotdog or shredded chicken sandwich, chips, veggies, cookie and bottle of water will be available, while supplies last. Music will be provided by Wes Reese, singer/guitarist. Bakery Bingo will also be available for adults and children. For more information, contact the church office at 419-358-5806 or visit www.blufftonpc.org. Community Picnic at Bluffton Presbyterian September 19 | Bluffton Icon
![]() Posted by Fred Steiner on April 29, 2021 - 2:51pm Some memories never fade. One memory of a gazebo on the Bluffton Presbyterian Church lawn lingered long enough that it returned, thanks to efforts of members of the congregation. In the late 1890s a gazebo, or “band box” located on the church lawn became the center of several community events from concerts to picnics. No one is certain the when gazebo was removed. One thing is certain: it’s back. Last week, after considerable research by church members, a gazebo was constructed very near, if not on the exact spot of the original one. The 20-by-20-foot gazebo was funded by a bequest Bob and Mary Barnett, who were long-time BPC members. According to Rev. Karol Farris Shilling, pastor, "All are welcome to sit in the gazebo. There are chairs that remain in the space for having lunch, catching up with friends, having an impromptu meeting, watching your kids run around, seeing what Bluffton is up to, you name it.” Persons interested in reserving the space for an event may contact the church office at 419-358-5806 or bpcbluff@wcoil.com. A ribbon-cutting ceremony is planned at noon, Saturday, June 26, with a concert by the Dave Sycks Bluffton Brass Quintet. This is the second major project conducted by the congregation this spring. In March the church installed an electronic yard sign. "Both church and community messages will be displayed on the sign," she said. A policy is in place for community requests. Non-profit and public organizations may fill out an application to be considered for a display in the message rotation at no cost. The form is available at www.blufftonpc.org. The sign is funded by gifts from current member George Stultz and also from a bequest of Bob and Mary Barnett. “Many thanks to Dick and Jayne McGarrity, George Stultz, and all in the congregation who helped nurture these projects from ideas to possibilities to realities,” she said. The story of the Presbyterian gazebo | The Bluffton Icon ![]() Posted by Fred Steiner on April 5, 2020 - 4:41pm Use of The Little Free Pantry at Bluffton Presbyterian Church, on the sidewalk across from Family Dollar, has increased dramatically since the pandemic. The church invites the community to help keep it filled. Consider donating peanut butter, juice boxes/pouches, canned pastas, canned meats, bagged noodles, rice, beans, breakfast bars, cereals, powdered milk and bread. Glass jars are not recommended. The pantry has also been stocking emergency baby supplies – small baby wipes, individual formula packets and plastic zip lock bags with a few diapers inside (size clearly marked on the bag.) According to members of the church: "The need is overwhelming, but if those who are able could add just a few items weekly, this would help alleviate emergency shortages during this uneasy time." http://www.blufftonicon.com/news/2020/04/05/help-fill-little-free-pantry - Bluffton Icon ![]() Posted by LizGH on February 24, 2020 - 1:42pm Ash Wednesday services part of a growing tradition in local congregationsOn the morning of Ash Wednesday, Feb. 26, a group of Bluffton area pastors will offer “Ashes to Go,” a new approach to a centuries-old Christian tradition. Ashes to Go is offered from 7 to 9 a.m. downtown Bluffton at the corner of Main and Cherry streets. Pedestrians, as well as drivers and passengers of vehicles who pull over, are invited to participate. This is the second year Ashes to Go takes place in Bluffton. This outreach is part of a nationwide movement that has clergy and lay people visiting transit stops, street corners, coffee shops, and college campuses to mark the foreheads of interested passers-by with ashes and invite them to repent of past wrongdoing and seek forgiveness and renewal. Bluffton Area Ministerial Association is also communicating with chaplains at Bluffton Hospital and Mennonite Home Communities of Ohio to ensure that their residents, hospital patients and staff have opportunities to receive ashes during the day. Questions may be directed to the Rev. Karol Farris Schilling, pastor of Bluffton Presbyterian Church, 419-358-5806. More information about the Ashes to Go movement can be found at ashestogo.org. http://www.blufftonicon.com/news/2020/02/24/ashes-go-launches-blufftons-lent-observance - Bluffton Icon Posted by Fred Steiner on February 17, 2020 - 3:12pm
Who makes the best chili in Bluffton? Taste tests and voting part of the experience Bluffton's Community Chili Cook-off, with proceeds benefiting the Bluffton Community Assistance Program is from 5:30 to 7 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 18, at the Bluffton middle school cafetorium. This is the fourth year of the event. A number of different chili recipes will be available for tasting, provided by individuals and church groups. • Tickets are $5, which include chili tasting • Additional food items for sale include sandwiches, chips, drinks and desserts • Entertainment provided by students of Dancers Elite (performing from 5:30-6:15 p.m.) and Krysti’s Music Studio (performing from 6:15-7 p.m.) • Prize drawing for a gift basket donated by Village Cut & Curl. Tickets given for each donated item (canned or boxed food) to the food pantry. • Participants will vote for a “people’s choice award” for the best chili recipe Last year’s People’s Choice Award went to John Hochstetler; his entry will be in this year’s competition as well, according to Carol Enneking. For additional information about the Cook-off, contact Enneking 419-348-7691 or Bluffton Presbyterian Church 419-358-5806. Sponsors include: congregations of Bluffton Baptist, Emmanuel United Church of Christ, English Lutheran Church, First Methodist, St. John’s United Church of Christ and Bluffton Presbyterian Church. http://www.blufftonicon.com/news/2020/02/17/community-chili-cook-tuesday - Bluffton Icon ![]() Posted by LizGH on November 15, 2019 - 2:00pm Bluffton Presbyterian Church will host the Blaze of Lights homemade soup and sandwich dinner on Saturday, Nov. 30, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. The menu will include three homemade soups (ham and bean, chicken noodle and potato), hot dogs, shredded chicken sandwiches, chips, desserts and drinks. The dinner will be held in the basement fellowship hall of the church, corner of Main and Cherry Streets in downtown Bluffton, the site of the Blaze of Lights display. No tickets or reservations are needed. Proceeds from the dinner will be used to assist with van payments for Tyler and Laura From. Laura (Hursey) From is a 2003 Cory-Rawson HS graduate and married her husband, Tyler, at Bluffton Presbyterian Church in 2008. After just one year of marriage, Tyler sustained a traumatic spinal injury that left him a quadriplegic. The Froms moved in with Laura’s parents, Tom and Rebecca Hursey, so that Laura could provide full-time care. For almost 10 years, the couple used a 2001 Ford E150 conversion van with added lift as their transportation. In the last year, it became evident that the van had reached its end of service. In August, the couple purchased a 2016 Ford Transit mobility van that is equipped to transport Tyler’s powered wheelchair. The new vehicle has allowed the couple to travel without worry of breakdowns. In addition, for the first time since his injury, Tyler is able to sit upright and face forward in the vehicle. The Bluffton Presbyterian Church congregation has pledged to support 50% of each month’s van payment. Revenue from special events and pledges from individual members are being used to meet the commitment. The public is invited to make donations to Bluffton Presbyterian Church (P.O. Box 149, Bluffton, OH 45817) in support of the “Roll On” campaign. http://www.blufftonicon.com/news/2019/11/15/blaze-dinner-benefits-bluffton-couple - Bluffton Icon Posted by Fred Steiner on September 26, 2019 - 2:31pm
Bluffton Presbyterian Church held a community picnic on the church lawn on Sunday. Here's some views of the event provided by the church. http://www.blufftonicon.com/photo/2019/09/26/presbyterians-spread-out-picnic-table ![]() Posted by Liz GH on March 1, 2019 - 6:00am From 7 to 9 a.m. on Ash Wednesday, March 6, a group of Bluffton area pastors will offer “Ashes to Go,” a new approach to a centuries-old Christian tradition, according to Rev. Karol Farris, pastor of Bluffton Presbyterian Church. Ashes to Go are offered because the reminders of need, humility, and healing shouldn’t be confined to church buildings. "The ashes are to remind us throughout the day of our need for God, and of God’s call to us. There is much more to the beginning of Lent than ashes alone, and people are still encouraged to make time for worship with a community of faith,” she said. A handout with an explanation and information on local Ash Wednesday services will be given to those who participate. Ashes to Go will be offered downtown Bluffton at the corner of Main and Cherry Streets. Pedestrians as well as drivers and passengers of vehicles who pull over are invited to participate. This is the first year Ashes to Go will be offered in Bluffton. Questions may be directed to the Rev. Farris, 419-358-5806. More information about the movement can be found at ashestogo.org. www.blufftonicon.com/news/2019/03/01/ashes-go-new-approach-christian-tradition - Bluffton Icon ![]() Posted by Fred Steiner on January 31, 2019 - 1:22pm A community chili cook-off is set for 5:30-7:30 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 20, in the middle school. It benefits the Bluffton Community Assistance Program’s food pantry, according to Lynda Best. The Bluffton Presbyterian Church mission committee sponsors the event. Last year was the first cook-off. Best needs volunteers to assist. Volunteers are needed to cook and serve chili (there will be a people’s choice competition), organize donations and concession sales, assist with set-up and tear-down and to promote and attend the event. Members of the public are invited to make chili for the event. Those people should contact Best by Friday, Feb. 8. At last year’s cookoff eight different chili recipes were available for tasting during the event. http://www.blufftonicon.com/news/2019/01/31/calling-all-chili-lovers - Bluffton Icon Posted by Fred Steiner on July 9, 2018 - 1:22pm
Bluffton Presbyterian Church invites the community to an outdoor worship service Sunday, July 15, at 9 a.m. on the front lawn of the church, located at 112 N. Main St. The service will feature a liturgical dance and a jazz trio. Attendees are encouraged to bring lawn chairs. In case of rain, the service will be moved indoors, according to Rev. Karol Farris, pastor. http://www.blufftonicon.com/news/2018/07/09/bluffton-presbyterian-holds-outdoor-worship-sunday -Bluffton Icon |
Mission: Growing in Faith, Sharing God's Love
112 N. Main St. P.O. Box 149 Bluffton, OH 45817
Worship: Sunday 10:15 am
Website Administrator: Nathan Hursh